Old Testament

New Testament

Ephesians 5:6-21 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

6. Don’t let anyone fool you with words that are not true. God gets very angry when people who don’t obey him talk like that.

7. So don’t have anything to do with them.

8. In the past you were full of darkness, but now you are full of light in the Lord. So live like children who belong to the light.

9. This light produces every kind of goodness, right living, and truth.

10. Try to learn what pleases the Lord.

11. Have no part in the things that people in darkness do, which produce nothing good. Instead, tell everyone how wrong those things are.

12. Actually, it is shameful to even talk about the things those people do in secret.

13. But the light makes clear how wrong those things are.

14. Yes, everything is made clear by the light. This is why we say, “Wake up, you who are sleeping! Rise from death, and Christ will shine on you.”

15. So be very careful how you live. Live wisely, not like fools.

16. I mean that you should use every opportunity you have for doing good, because these are evil times.

17. So don’t be foolish with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do.

18. Don’t be drunk with wine, which will ruin your life, but be filled with the Spirit.

19. Encourage each other with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord.

20. Always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

21. Be willing to serve each other out of respect for Christ.

Read complete chapter Ephesians 5