Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 68:21-35 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

21. Surely God crushes the heads of His enemies,the hairy head of one who goes on in his guilty acts.

22. The Lord said, “I will bring them back from Bashan;I will bring them back from the depths of the sea

23. so that your foot may wade in bloodand your dogs’ tongues may have their sharefrom the enemies.”

24. People have seen Your procession, God,the procession of my God,my King, in the sanctuary.

25. Singers lead the way,with musicians following;among them are young womenplaying tambourines.

26. Praise God in the assemblies;praise the Lord from the fountain of Israel.

27. There is Benjamin, the youngest, leading them,the rulers of Judah in their assembly, the rulers of Zebulun, the rulers of Naphtali.

28. Your God has decreed your strength.Show Your strength, God,You who have acted on our behalf.

29. Because of Your temple at Jerusalem,kings will bring tribute to You.

30. Rebuke the beast in the reeds,the herd of bulls with the calves of the peoples. Trample underfoot those with bars of silver. Scatter the peoples who take pleasure in war.

31. Ambassadors will come from Egypt;Cush will stretch out its hands to God.

32. Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth;sing praise to the Lord, Selah

33. to Him who rides in the ancient, highest heavens. Look, He thunders with His powerful voice!

34. Ascribe power to God.His majesty is over Israel,His power among the clouds.

35. God, You are awe-inspiring in Your sanctuaries.The God of Israel gives power and strength to His people.May God be praised!

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