Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 14:4-21 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

4. Where there are no oxen, the feeding trough is empty, but an abundant harvest comesthrough the strength of an ox.

5. An honest witness does not deceive,but a dishonest witness utters lies.

6. A mocker seeks wisdom and doesn’t find it,but knowledge comes easily to the perceptive.

7. Stay away from a foolish man;you will gain no knowledge from his speech.

8. The sensible man’s wisdom is to consider his way,but the stupidity of fools deceives them.

9. Fools mock at making restitution, but there is goodwill among the upright.

10. The heart knows its own bitterness,and no outsider shares in its joy.

11. The house of the wicked will be destroyed,but the tent of the upright will stand.

12. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

13. Even in laughter a heart may be sad,and joy may end in grief.

14. The disloyal one will get what his conduct deserves,and a good man, what his deeds deserve.

15. The inexperienced one believes anything, but the sensible one watches his steps.

16. A wise man is cautious and turns from evil, but a fool is easily angered and is careless.

17. A quick-tempered man acts foolishly,and a man who schemes is hated.

18. The inexperienced inherit foolishness,but the sensible are crowned with knowledge.

19. The evil bow before those who are good,the wicked, at the gates of the righteous.

20. A poor man is hated even by his neighbor, but there are many who love the rich.

21. The one who despises his neighbor sins, but whoever shows kindness to the poor will be happy.

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