Old Testament

New Testament

Job 36:16-25 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

16. Indeed, He lured you from the jaws of distressto a spacious and unconfined place.Your table was spread with choice food.

17. Yet now you are obsessed with the judgment due the wicked;judgment and justice have seized you.

18. Be careful that no one lures you with riches; do not let a large ransom lead you astray.

19. Can your wealth or all your physical exertionkeep you from distress?

20. Do not long for the nightwhen nations will disappear from their places.

21. Be careful that you do not turn to iniquity,for that is why you have been tested by affliction.

22. Look, God shows Himself exalted by His power.Who is a teacher like Him?

23. Who has appointed His way for Him,and who has declared, “You have done wrong”?

24. Remember that you should praise His work,which people have sung about.

25. All mankind has seen it;people have looked at it from a distance.

Read complete chapter Job 36