Old Testament

New Testament

Job 13:1-10 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

1. Look, my eyes have seen all this;my ears have heard and understood it.

2. Everything you know, I also know;I am not inferior to you.

3. Yet I prefer to speak to the Almightyand argue my case before God.

4. But you coat the truth with lies;you are all worthless doctors.

5. If only you would shut upand let that be your wisdom!

6. Hear now my argument,and listen to my defense.

7. Would you testify unjustly on God’s behalfor speak deceitfully for Him?

8. Would you show partiality to Himor argue the case in His defense?

9. Would it go well if He examined you?Could you deceive Him as you would deceive a man?

10. Surely He would rebuke youif you secretly showed partiality.

Read complete chapter Job 13