Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 34:1-10 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

1. You nations, come here and listen;you peoples, pay attention! Let the earth hear, and all that fills it,the world and all that comes from it.

2. The Lord is angry with all the nations —furious with all their armies. He will set them apart for destruction, giving them over to slaughter.

3. Their slain will be thrown out,and the stench of their corpses will rise; the mountains will flow with their blood.

4. All the heavenly bodies will dissolve.The skies will roll up like a scroll, and their stars will all witheras leaves wither on the vine,and foliage on the fig tree.

5. When My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens,it will then come down on Edom and on the people I have set apart for destruction.

6. The Lord’s sword is covered with blood.It drips with fat,with the blood of lambs and goats,with the fat of the kidneys of rams. For the Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah, a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

7. The wild oxen will be struck down with them,and young bulls with the mighty bulls.Their land will be soaked with blood,and their soil will be saturated with fat.

8. For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a time of paying back Edomfor its hostility against Zion.

9. Edom’s streams will be turned into pitch,her soil into sulfur; her land will become burning pitch.

10. It will never go out — day or night.Its smoke will go up forever. It will be desolate, from generation to generation;no one will pass through it forever and ever.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 34