Old Testament

New Testament

Luke 4:30-39 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

30. But He passed right through the crowd and went on His way.

31. Then He went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and was teaching them on the Sabbath.

32. They were astonished at His teaching because His message had authority.

33. In the synagogue there was a man with an unclean demonic spirit who cried out with a loud voice,

34. “Leave us alone! What do You have to do with us, Jesus — Nazarene? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are — the Holy One of God! ”

35. But Jesus rebuked him and said, “Be quiet and come out of him! ” And throwing him down before them, the demon came out of him without hurting him at all.

36. Amazement came over them all, and they kept saying to one another, “What is this message? For He commands the unclean spirits with authority and power, and they come out! ”

37. And news about Him began to go out to every place in the vicinity.

38. After He left the synagogue, He entered Simon’s house. Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Him about her.

39. So He stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up immediately and began to serve them.

Read complete chapter Luke 4