Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 78:9-17 Good News Bible (GNB)

9. The Ephraimites, armed with bows and arrows,ran away on the day of battle.

10. They did not keep their covenant with God;they refused to obey his law.

11. They forgot what he had done,the miracles they had seen him perform.

12. While their ancestors watched, God performed miraclesin the plain of Zoan in the land of Egypt.

13. He divided the sea and took them through it;he made the waters stand like walls.

14. By day he led them with a cloudand all night long with the light of a fire.

15. He split rocks open in the desertand gave them water from the depths.

16. He caused a stream to come out of the rockand made water flow like a river.

17. But they continued to sin against God,and in the desert they rebelled against the Most High.

Read complete chapter Psalms 78