Old Testament

New Testament

Joshua 6:7-14 Good News Bible (GNB)

7. Then he ordered the people to start marching round the city, with an advance guard going on ahead of the Lord's Covenant Box.

8-9. So, just as Joshua had ordered, an advance guard started out ahead of the priests who were blowing trumpets; behind these came the priests who were carrying the Covenant Box, followed by a rearguard. All this time the trumpets were sounding.

10. But Joshua had ordered the people not to shout, not to say a word until he gave the order.

11. So he told this group of men to take the Lord's Covenant Box round the city once. Then they came back to camp and spent the night there.

12-13. Joshua got up early the next morning, and for the second time the priests and soldiers marched round the city in the same order as the day before: first, the advance guard; next, the seven priests blowing the seven trumpets; then, the priests carrying the Lord's Covenant Box; and finally, the rearguard. All this time the trumpets were sounding.

14. On this second day they again marched round the city once and then returned to camp. They did this for six days.

Read complete chapter Joshua 6