Old Testament

New Testament

Job 38:20-37 Good News Bible (GNB)

20. Can you show them how far to go,or send them back again?

21. I am sure you can, because you're so oldand were there when the world was made!

22. Have you ever visited the storerooms,where I keep the snow and the hail?

23. I keep them ready for times of trouble,for days of battle and war.

24. Have you been to the place where the sun comes up,or the place from which the east wind blows?

25. Who dug a channel for the pouring rainand cleared the way for the thunderstorm?

26. Who makes rain fall where no one lives?

27. Who waters the dry and thirsty land,so that grass springs up?

28. Does either the rain or the dew have a father?

29. Who is the mother of the ice and the frost,

30. which turn the waters to stoneand freeze the face of the sea?

31. Can you tie the Pleiades togetheror loosen the bonds that hold Orion?

32. Can you guide the stars season by seasonand direct the Great and the Little Bear?

33. Do you know the laws that govern the skies,and can you make them apply to the earth?

34. Can you shout orders to the cloudsand make them drench you with rain?

35. And if you command the lightning to flash,will it come to you and say, “At your service”?

36. Who tells the ibis when the Nile will flood,or who tells the cock that rain will fall?

37. Who is wise enough to count the cloudsand tilt them over to pour out the rain,

Read complete chapter Job 38