Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 50:32-42 Good News Bible (GNB)

32. Your proud nation will stumble and fall, and no one will help you up. I will set your cities on fire, and everything around will be destroyed.”

33. The Lord Almighty says, “The people of Israel and of Judah are oppressed. All who captured them are guarding them closely and will not let them go.

34. But the one who will rescue them is strong — his name is the Lord Almighty. He himself will take up their cause and will bring peace to the earth, but trouble to the people of Babylonia.”

35. The Lord says,“Death to Babylonia!Death to its people,to its rulers, to its men of wisdom.

36. Death to its lying prophets —what fools they are!Death to its soldiers —how terrified they are!

37. Destroy its horses and chariots!Death to its hired soldiers —how weak they are!Destroy its treasures;plunder and loot.

38. Bring a drought on its landand dry up its rivers.Babylonia is a land of terrifying idols,that have made fools of the people.

39. “And so Babylon will be haunted by demons and evil spirits, and by unclean birds. Never again will people live there, not for all time to come.

40. The same thing will happen to Babylon as happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, when I destroyed them and the nearby towns. No one will ever live there again. I, the Lord, have spoken.

41. “People are coming from a country in the north,a mighty nation far away;many kings are preparing for war.

42. They have taken their bows and swords;they are cruel and merciless.They sound like the roaring sea,as they ride their horses.They are ready for battle against Babylonia.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 50