Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 37:7-16 Good News Bible (GNB)

7. to say to Zedekiah, “The Egyptian army is on its way to help you, but it will return home.

8. Then the Babylonians will come back, attack the city, capture it, and burn it down.

9. I, the Lord, warn you not to deceive yourselves into thinking that the Babylonians will not come back, because they will.

10. Even if you defeat the whole Babylonian army, so that only wounded men are left, lying in their tents, those men would still get up and burn this city to the ground.”

11. The Babylonian army retreated from Jerusalem because the Egyptian army was approaching.

12. So I started to leave Jerusalem and go to the territory of Benjamin to take possession of my share of the family property.

13. But when I reached the Benjamin Gate, the officer in charge of the soldiers on duty there, a man by the name of Irijah, the son of Shelemiah and grandson of Hananiah, stopped me and said, “You are deserting to the Babylonians!”

14. I answered, “That's not so! I'm not deserting.” But Irijah would not listen to me. Instead, he arrested me and took me to the officials.

15. They were furious with me and ordered me to be beaten and locked up in the house of Jonathan, the court secretary, whose house had been made into a prison.

16. I was put in an underground cell and kept there a long time.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 37