Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 20:22-27 Good News Bible (GNB)

22. But I did not, since that would have brought dishonour to my name among the nations which had seen me bring Israel out of Egypt.

23. So I made another promise in the desert. I vowed that I would scatter them all over the world.

24. I did this because they had rejected my commands, broken my laws, profaned the Sabbath, and worshipped the same idols their ancestors had served.

25. “Then I gave them laws that are not good and commands that do not bring life.

26. I let them defile themselves with their own offerings, and I let them sacrifice their firstborn sons. This was to punish them and show them that I am the Lord.

27. “Now then, mortal man, tell the Israelites what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them. This is another way their ancestors insulted me by their unfaithfulness.

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 20