Old Testament

New Testament

Ecclesiastes 2:1-9 Good News Bible (GNB)

1. I decided to enjoy myself and find out what happiness is. But I found that this is useless, too.

2. I discovered that laughter is foolish, that pleasure does you no good.

3. Driven on by my desire for wisdom, I decided to cheer myself up with wine and have a good time. I thought that this might be the best way people can spend their short lives on earth.

4. I accomplished great things. I built myself houses and planted vineyards.

5. I planted gardens and orchards, with all kinds of fruit trees in them;

6. I dug ponds to irrigate them.

7. I bought many slaves, and there were slaves born in my household. I owned more livestock than anyone else who had ever lived in Jerusalem.

8. I also piled up silver and gold from the royal treasuries of the lands I ruled. Men and women sang to entertain me, and I had all the women a man could want.

9. Yes, I was great, greater than anyone else who had ever lived in Jerusalem, and my wisdom never failed me.

Read complete chapter Ecclesiastes 2