Old Testament

New Testament

1 Samuel 30:20-27 Good News Bible (GNB)

20. He also recovered all the flocks and herds; his men drove all the livestock in front of them and said, “This belongs to David!”

21. Then David went back to the 200 men who had been too weak to go with him and had stayed behind at the brook of Besor. They came forward to meet David and his men, and David went up to them and greeted them warmly.

22. But some mean and worthless men who had gone with David said, “They didn't go with us, and so we won't give them any of the loot. They can take their wives and children and go away.”

23. But David answered, “My brothers, you can't do this with what the Lord has given us! He kept us safe and gave us victory over the raiders.

24. No one can agree with what you say! All must share alike: whoever stays behind with the supplies gets the same share as the one who goes into battle.”

25. David made this a rule, and it has been followed in Israel ever since.

26. When David returned to Ziklag, he sent part of the loot to his friends, the leaders of Judah, with the message, “Here is a present for you from the loot we took from the Lord's enemies.”

27. He sent it to the people in Bethel, to the people in Ramah in the southern part of Judah, and to the people in the towns of Jattir,

Read complete chapter 1 Samuel 30