Old Testament

New Testament

1 Kings 1:41-53 Good News Bible (GNB)

41. As Adonijah and all his guests were finishing the feast, they heard the noise. And when Joab heard the trumpet, he asked, “What's the meaning of all that noise in the city?”

42. Before he finished speaking, Jonathan, the son of the priest Abiathar, arrived. “Come in,” Adonijah said. “You're a good man — you must be bringing good news.”

43. “I'm afraid not,” Jonathan answered. “His Majesty King David has made Solomon king.

44. He sent Zadok, Nathan, Benaiah, and the royal bodyguard to escort him. They made him ride on the king's mule,

45. and Zadok and Nathan anointed him as king at the spring of Gihon. Then they went into the city, shouting for joy, and the people are now in an uproar. That's the noise you just heard.

46. Solomon is now the king.

47. What is more, the court officials went in to pay their respects to His Majesty King David, and said, ‘May your God make Solomon even more famous than you, and may Solomon's reign be even more prosperous than yours.’ Then King David bowed in worship on his bed

48. and prayed, ‘Let us praise the Lord, the God of Israel, who has today made one of my descendants succeed me as king, and has let me live to see it!’ ”

49. Then Adonijah's guests were afraid, and they all got up and left, each going his own way.

50. Adonijah, in great fear of Solomon, went to the Tent of the Lord's presence and took hold of the corners of the altar.

51. King Solomon was told that Adonijah was afraid of him and that he was holding on to the corners of the altar and had said, “First, I want King Solomon to swear to me that he will not have me put to death.”

52. Solomon replied, “If he is loyal, not even a hair on his head will be touched; but if he is not, he will die.”

53. King Solomon then sent for Adonijah and had him brought down from the altar. Adonijah went to the king and bowed low before him, and the king said to him, “You may go home.”

Read complete chapter 1 Kings 1