Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 23:16-30 Good News Bible (GNB)

16. The leader among Gershom's sons was Shebuel.

17. Eliezer had only one son, Rehabiah, but Rehabiah had many descendants.

18. Kohath's second son, Izhar, had a son, Shelomith, the head of the clan.

19. Kohath's third son, Hebron, had four sons: Jeriah, Amariah, Jahaziel, and Jekameam.

20. Kohath's fourth son, Uzziel, had two sons, Micah and Isshiah.

21. Merari had two sons, Mahli and Mushi. Mahli also had two sons, Eleazar and Kish,

22. but Eleazar died without having any sons, only daughters. His daughters married their cousins, the sons of Kish.

23. Merari's second son, Mushi, had three sons: Mahli, Eder, and Jeremoth.

24. These were the descendants of Levi, by clans and families, every one of them registered by name. Each of his descendants, twenty years of age or older, had a share in the work of the Lord's Temple.

25. David said, “The Lord God of Israel has given peace to his people, and he himself will live in Jerusalem for ever.

26. So there is no longer any need for the Levites to carry the Tent of the Lord's presence and all the equipment used in worship.”

27. On the basis of David's final instructions all Levites were registered for service when they reached the age of twenty,

28. and were assigned the following duties: to help the priests descended from Aaron with the temple worship, to take care of its courtyards and its rooms, and to keep undefiled everything that is sacred;

29. to be responsible for the bread offered to God, the flour used in offerings, the wafers made without yeast, the baked offerings, and the flour mixed with olive oil; to weigh and measure the temple offerings;

30. and to praise and glorify the Lord every morning and every evening

Read complete chapter 1 Chronicles 23