Old Testament

New Testament

John 3:28-34 Good News Bible (GNB)

28. You yourselves are my witnesses that I said, ‘I am not the Messiah, but I have been sent ahead of him.’

29. The bridegroom is the one to whom the bride belongs; but the bridegroom's friend, who stands by and listens, is glad when he hears the bridegroom's voice. This is how my own happiness is made complete.

30. He must become more important while I become less important.”

31. He who comes from above is greater than all. He who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks about earthly matters, but he who comes from heaven is above all.

32. He tells what he has seen and heard, yet no one accepts his message.

33. But whoever accepts his message confirms by this that God is truthful.

34. The one whom God has sent speaks God's words, because God gives him the fullness of his Spirit.

Read complete chapter John 3