Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 24:10-20 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

10. I served him in the sacred Tentand then made my home on Mount Zion.

11. He settled me in the Beloved Cityand gave me authority over Jerusalem.

12. I put down roots among an honoured peoplewhom the Lord had chosen as his own.

13. I grew tall, like the cedars in Lebanon,like the cypresses on Mount Hermon,

14. like the palm-trees of Engedi,like the roses of Jericho,like beautiful olive-trees in the fields,like plane-trees growing by the water.

15. My breath was the spicy smell of cinnamon,of sweet perfume and finest myrrh,of stacte, onycha, and galbanum,the fragrant incense in the sacred Tent.

16. Like an oak I spread out my branches,magnificent and graceful.

17. Like a grapevine I put out lovely shoots;my blossoms gave way to rich and glorious fruit.

19. Come to me, all you that want me,and eat your fill of my fruit.

20. You will remember me as sweeter than honey,better than honey from the comb.

Read complete chapter Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 24