Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 5:11-28 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

11. The Lord commanded Moses

12-14. to give the Israelites the following instructions. It may happen that a man becomes suspicious that his wife is unfaithful to him and has defiled herself by having intercourse with another man. But the husband may not be certain, for his wife may have kept it secret — there was no witness, and she was not caught in the act. Or it may happen that a husband becomes suspicious of his wife, even though she has not been unfaithful.

15. In either case the man shall take his wife to the priest. He shall also take the required offering of one kilogramme of barley flour, but he shall not pour any olive oil on it or put any incense on it, because it is an offering from a suspicious husband, made to bring the truth to light.

16. The priest shall bring the woman forward and make her stand in front of the altar.

17. He shall pour some holy water into a clay bowl and take some of the earth that is on the floor of the Tent of the Lord's presence and put it in the water to make it bitter.

18. Then he shall loosen the woman's hair and put the offering of flour in her hands. In his hands the priest shall hold the bowl containing the bitter water that brings a curse.

19. Then the priest shall make the woman agree to this oath spoken by the priest: “If you have not committed adultery, you will not be harmed by the curse that this water brings.

20. But if you have committed adultery,

21. may the Lord make your name a curse among your people. May he cause your genital organs to shrink and your stomach to swell up.

22. May this water enter your stomach and cause it to swell up and your genital organs to shrink.”The woman shall respond, “I agree; may the Lord do so.”

23. Then the priest shall write this curse down and wash the writing off into the bowl of bitter water.

24. Before he makes the woman drink the water, which may then cause her bitter pain,

25. the priest shall take the offering of flour out of the woman's hands, hold it out in dedication to the Lord, and present it on the altar.

26. Then he shall take a handful of it as a token offering and burn it on the altar. Finally, he shall make the woman drink the water.

27. If she has committed adultery, the water will cause bitter pain; her stomach will swell up and her genital organs will shrink. Her name will become a curse among her people.

28. But if she is innocent, she will not be harmed and will be able to bear children.

Read complete chapter Numbers 5