Old Testament

New Testament

Judith 8:23-32 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

23. We are not going to win the favour of our enemies by surrendering to them now. If we do surrender, the Lord our God will see that we are put to shame.

24. “No, my friends, we should set an example for our own people. Not only their lives, but the fate of the Temple and the altar depend on us.

25. The Lord our God is putting us to the test, just as he tested our ancestors, and we should be thankful for that.

26. Remember how he put Abraham and Isaac to the test, and what happened to Jacob while he was working as a shepherd for his uncle Laban in Mesopotamia.

27. God is not testing our loyalty as severely as he did theirs. God is not sending this punishment on us as revenge, but as a warning to us who worship him.”

28. Then Uzziah answered Judith, “Everything you have said makes good sense, and no one can argue with it.

29. This is not the first time you have shown wisdom. Ever since you were a child, all of us have recognized the soundness and maturity of your judgement.

30. But our people are dying of thirst. They forced us to say what we did and to make a solemn promise, which we cannot break.

31. So now, since you are a deeply religious woman, pray for our people; ask the Lord to send rain to fill our cisterns, so that we can get our strength back.”

32. “All right,” Judith replied, “I am going to do something which our Jewish people will never forget.

Read complete chapter Judith 8