Old Testament

New Testament

Judith 8:10-13 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

10. Judith sent a slave, the woman who managed her business affairs, to invite Uzziah, Chabris, and Charmis, the town officials, to her home.

11. When the officials arrived, Judith said to them, “Please listen to me. You are the leaders of the people of Bethulia, but you were wrong to speak to the people as you did today. You should not have made a solemn promise before God that you would surrender the town to our enemies if the Lord did not come to our aid within a few days.

12. What right have you to put God to the test as you have done today? Who are you to put yourselves in God's place in dealing with human affairs?

13. It is the Lord Almighty that you are putting to the test! Will you never learn?

Read complete chapter Judith 8