Old Testament

New Testament

Judith 11:12-22 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

12. Their food supply has already run out, and the water shortage has become serious, so they have decided to kill their livestock and eat foods that God's Law clearly forbids them to eat.

13. They have decided to eat the wheat set aside from the early harvest and the tithes of wine and oil, which are holy and are reserved for the priests who serve God in Jerusalem. The rest of us are forbidden even to touch this sacred food,

14. but since the people in Jerusalem have already broken this law, the people of our town have sent messengers to the Council there requesting permission to do the same.

15. On the day that they receive permission and actually eat the food, you will be able to destroy them.

16. As soon as I learnt about this, I ran away from my people. God has sent me to do something with you that will amaze everyone in the entire world who hears about it.

17. Sir, I am a religious woman; I worship the God of Heaven day and night. I will stay here in your camp, and each night I will go out into the valley to pray to God, and he will tell me when the Israelites have sinned.

18. As soon as I find out, I will come and tell you, and you can march out with your whole army. The Israelites will not be able to defend themselves against you.

19. I will guide you through the central part of the land of Judah until we come to Jerusalem, where I will crown you king in the centre of the city. You will scatter the people of Jerusalem like sheep without a shepherd. Not even a dog will dare to growl at you. God has revealed these things to me in advance and has sent me to report them to you.”

20. Holofernes and his personal servants were pleased with what Judith had said, and they admired her wisdom.

21. “She must be the wisest and most beautiful woman in the world,” they commented one to another.

22. Then Holofernes said to her, “It's a good thing that God has sent you here to bring us victory and to destroy those who have insulted King Nebuchadnezzar.

Read complete chapter Judith 11