Old Testament

New Testament

Judges 18:1-11 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

1. There was no king in Israel at that time. In those days the tribe of Dan was looking for territory to claim and occupy because they had not yet received any land of their own among the tribes of Israel.

2. So the people of Dan chose five qualified men out of all the families in the tribe and sent them from the towns of Zorah and Eshtaol with instructions to explore the land. When they arrived in the hill country of Ephraim, they stayed at Micah's house.

3. While they were there, they recognized the accent of the young Levite, so they went up to him and asked, “What are you doing here? Who brought you here?”

4. He answered, “I have an arrangement with Micah, who pays me to serve as his priest.”

5. They said to him, “Please ask God if we are going to be successful on our journey.”

6. The priest answered, “You have nothing to worry about. The Lord is taking care of you on this journey.”

7. So the five men left and went to the town of Laish. They saw how safely the people there were living, like the Sidonians. They were a peaceful, quiet people, with no disputes with anyone; they had all they needed. They lived far away from the Sidonians and had no dealings with any other people.

8. When the five men returned to Zorah and Eshtaol, their countrymen asked them what they had found out.

9. “Come on,” they replied. “Let's attack Laish. We saw the land, and it's very good. Don't stay here doing nothing; hurry! Go on in and take it over!

10. When you get there, you will find that the people don't suspect a thing. It is a big country; it has everything a person could want, and God has given it to you.”

11. So 600 men from the tribe of Dan left Zorah and Eshtaol, ready for battle.

Read complete chapter Judges 18