Old Testament

New Testament

Job 36:11-22 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

11. If they obey God and serve him,they live out their lives in peace and prosperity.

12. But if not, they will die in ignoranceand cross the stream into the world of the dead.

13. Those who are godless keep on being angry,and even when punished, they don't pray for help.

14. They die while they are still young,worn out by a life of disgrace.

15. But God teaches people through sufferingand uses distress to open their eyes.

16. God brought you out of trouble,and let you enjoy security;your table was piled high with food.

17. But now you are being punished as you deserve.

18. Be careful not to let bribes deceive you,or riches lead you astray.

19. It will do you no good to cry out for help;all your strength can't help you now.

20. Don't wish for night to come,the time when nations will perish.

21. Be careful not to turn to evil;your suffering was sent to keep you from it.

22. Remember how great is God's power;he is the greatest teacher of all.

Read complete chapter Job 36