Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 40:1-15 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

1. “Comfort my people,” says our God. “Comfort them!

2. Encourage the people of Jerusalem.Tell them they have suffered long enoughand their sins are now forgiven.I have punished them in full for all their sins.”

3. A voice cries out,“Prepare in the wilderness a road for the Lord!Clear the way in the desert for our God!

4. Fill every valley;level every mountain.The hills will become a plain,and the rough country will be made smooth.

5. Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed,and the whole human race will see it.The Lord himself has promised this.”

6. A voice cries out, “Proclaim a message!”“What message shall I proclaim?” I ask.“Proclaim that all human beings are like grass;they last no longer than wild flowers.

7. Grass withers and flowers fade,when the Lord sends the wind blowing over them.People are no more enduring than grass.

8. Yes, grass withers and flowers fade,but the word of our God endures for ever.”

9. Jerusalem, go up on a high mountainand proclaim the good news!Call out with a loud voice, Zion;announce the good news!Speak out and do not be afraid.Tell the towns of Judahthat their God is coming!

10. The Sovereign Lord is coming to rule with power,bringing with him the people he has rescued.

11. He will take care of his flock like a shepherd;he will gather the lambs togetherand carry them in his arms;he will gently lead their mothers.

12. Can anyone measure the ocean by handfulsor measure the sky with his hands?Can anyone hold the soil of the earth in a cupor weigh the mountains and hills on scales?

13. Can anyone tell the Lord what to do?Who can teach him or give him advice?

14. With whom does God consultin order to know and understandand to learn how things should be done?

15. To the Lord the nations are nothing,no more than a drop of water;the distant islands are as light as dust.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 40