Old Testament

New Testament

Baruch 6:59-73 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

59. Anything from a courageous king to a useful piece of pottery is better than a false god. Even a door is better than a false god; a door at least protects the things in the house. Even a wooden pillar in a palace is better than a false god.

60. God provided the sun, the moon, and the stars to give light, and they obey him.

61. The same is true of lightning and wind. The lightning can be seen far and wide, and the wind blows everywhere.

62. When God commands clouds to spread out over the whole world, they obey.

63. When God sends down fire from heaven to burn up mountains and forests, it does what it is told. Idols cannot do these things — they can't even do a good imitation.

64. Why should they be called gods, when they are not able to help us or harm us in any way?

65. You know that they are not gods — do not worship them.

66. These gods have no power over kings; they cannot pronounce curses on them or grant them blessings.

67. They cannot produce for the nations any signs in the sky; they cannot shine like the sun or the moon.

68. Even wild animals are better off than these idols; animals can at least run from danger to protect themselves.

69. So it is absolutely clear that they are not gods — do not worship them.

70. These gods of theirs, made of wood and covered with silver and gold, are about as helpful as a scarecrow in a cucumber patch; they are no protection at all.

71. They do as much good as a thorn bush in a garden; instead of keeping birds away, they provide a perch for them. These gods are like a dead body thrown out into the darkness.

72. The purple linen robes they wear rot away, so we know that they are not gods. Finally they will be eaten by termites, and then no one anywhere will have any use for them.

73. The righteous person has an advantage over others; he does not own any idols, and they can never make a fool of him.

Read complete chapter Baruch 6