Old Testament

New Testament

2 Maccabees 14:30-44 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

30. Judas, however, noticed that Nicanor was becoming hostile and rude towards him, and he knew that this was a bad sign. So he gathered a large number of his followers and went into hiding.

31. When Nicanor realized that Judas had been too clever for him, he went to the great and holy Temple at the time when the priests were offering sacrifice and ordered them to surrender Judas to him.

32. But the priests declared under oath that they had no idea where Judas was hiding.

33. Then Nicanor raised his right arm in the direction of the Temple and made a solemn threat: “If you do not hand Judas over to me as a prisoner, I will level God's Temple to the ground, demolish this altar, and on this spot build a glorious temple to Dionysus.”

34. Then he left, and immediately the priests raised their arms towards heaven and prayed to God, the faithful Defender of our nation:

35. “Lord, you are in need of nothing, yet it has pleased you to place your Temple here and to live among us.

36. You alone are holy, and your Temple has only recently been purified, so now protect its holiness for ever.”

37. One of the leaders in Jerusalem, a man by the name of Razis, was denounced to Nicanor. It was said that he had helped his people in many ways and was so highly respected by them that he was known as “the Father of the Jews.”

38. During the early days of the revolution he had risked his life for Judaism and had been brought to trial because of his loyalty.

39. Wishing to show clearly how much he disliked the Jews, Nicanor sent more than 500 soldiers to arrest Razis,

40. because he thought his arrest would be a crippling blow to the Jews.

41. The soldiers were about to capture the tower where Razis had gone. They were forcing open the gates to the courtyard, and the order had been given to set the door on fire. Razis realized there was no escape, so he tried to commit suicide with his sword,

42. preferring to die with honour rather than suffer humiliation at the hands of evil men.

43. Under the pressure of the moment, Razis misjudged the thrust of the sword, and it did not kill him. So, while the soldiers were swarming into the room, he rushed to the wall and jumped off like a brave hero into the crowd below.

44. The crowd quickly moved back, and he fell in the space they left.

Read complete chapter 2 Maccabees 14