Old Testament

New Testament

2 Maccabees 14:10-14 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

10. As long as Judas is alive, it will be impossible for our nation to enjoy peace.”

11. As soon as Alcimus had finished his speech, the other advisers quickly seized this opportunity to arouse Demetrius' anger against Judas, because they also hated him.

12. So King Demetrius immediately appointed Nicanor, who was the commander of his elephant forces, to be governor of Judea, and sent him there

13. with orders to kill Judas, scatter his followers, and make Alcimus High Priest of the greatest Temple in all the world.

14. All the foreigners in Judea, who had fled from Judas' attacks, now rushed to join forces with Nicanor, because they thought that any defeat or trouble that came to the Jews would be to their own advantage.

Read complete chapter 2 Maccabees 14