Old Testament

New Testament

2 Maccabees 10:31-37 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

31. slaughtering 20,500 infantry and 600 cavalry.

32. Timothy himself escaped to the strongly defended fort of Gezer, where his brother Chaereas was in command.

33. Judas and his men besieged the fort for four days with great enthusiasm,

34. but those inside trusted to the security of their positions and shouted all sorts of terrible insults against the Jews and their God.

35. At dawn on the fifth day, twenty of Judas' men, burning with anger at these insults, bravely climbed the wall and with savage fury chopped down everyone they met.

36. At the same time, others climbed the walls on the other side of the fort and set the towers on fire. Many of the enemy were burnt to death as the flames spread. A third force broke down the gates and let in the rest of Judas' men to capture the city.

37. Timothy had hidden in a cistern, but they killed him, as well as his brother Chaereas and Apollophanes.

Read complete chapter 2 Maccabees 10