Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 6:54-63 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

54. The shortage of food had been so severe that many people had scattered to their homes, and only a few men were left in the Temple.

55. Meanwhile, Philip, who had been appointed by King Antiochus before his death to educate his son to be king,

56. returned from Persia and Media. He had come back with the royal army and planned to take control of the government. When Lysias heard this news,

57. he made rapid preparations to depart. He said to the young king, to his officers, and to his men, “We are growing weaker each day; we are short of provisions, and this place we are besieging is strong. Besides, there are pressing government affairs which need our attention.

58. So now let's arrange a truce and make a peace treaty with the Jews and their whole nation.

59. We will allow them to follow their own laws and customs as they did before. All this trouble started when we provoked them by abolishing their laws and customs.”

60. This recommendation was well received by the king and the officers, so Lysias proposed peace terms to the Jews, and they accepted them.

61. When the king and his officers solemnly agreed to abide by these terms, the Jews came out of their fortress.

62. But when the king entered the Temple area on Mount Zion and saw the strong fortifications, he broke his word and ordered the walls surrounding the Temple to be torn down.

63. Then he hurriedly left and returned to Antioch, where he found Philip in control of the city. The king attacked the city and took it by force.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 6