Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 13:30-43 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

30. The tomb which he built in Modein is still there today.

31. Meanwhile, Trypho assassinated the young king, Antiochus the Sixth,

32. and took over his kingdom in Syria. He brought great troubles on that country.

33. Simon rebuilt the fortresses of Judea with high towers, strong walls, and barred gates; then he placed stores of supplies there.

34. He sent ambassadors to King Demetrius the Second to ask for tax relief for the land, since Trypho was doing nothing but rob them.

35. Demetrius sent the following letter in reply:

36. “King Demetrius to the High Priest Simon, the friend of kings, to the Jewish nation, and to their leaders, greetings.

37. I have received the gold crown and the gold palm branch which you sent, and I am prepared to make a peace treaty with you and to instruct our tax officials to grant you exemptions.

38. Our previous agreements with you are confirmed, and the fortresses which you have built are to remain yours.

39. I grant you pardon for treaty violations committed up to the present date, and I release you from payment of the special tax still due and any other taxes that have been collected up to this time in Jerusalem.

40. All Jews who are qualified may enrol in the royal service. Let us have peace.”

41. So in the year 170 the yoke of the Gentile oppressors was removed from the Jews.

42. People began to date their documents and contracts with these words: “In the first year of Simon, the great High Priest, commander and leader of the Jews.”

43. At that time Simon laid siege to Gezer and surrounded it with his army. He built a movable siege-platform, brought it up to the town wall, attacked one of the towers, and captured it.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 13