Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 13:1-19 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

1. Simon learnt that Trypho had assembled a large army and that he had plans to invade Judea and devastate it.

2. He realized that this news had brought panic and fear to the people, so he went to Jerusalem, called the people together,

3. and tried to encourage them by saying, “You know how much my father's family, my brothers, and I have done for the sake of the Law of Moses and the Temple. You also know about the wars we have fought and the troubles we have had.

4. All my brothers have been killed fighting for our Law, our Temple, and our nation, and I am the only one left.

5. But never let it be said that I tried to save my own life in a time of danger; I do not consider myself better than my brothers.

6. Not in the least! It is true that in their hatred all the Gentile nations have gathered together to destroy us, but I will fight to defend my nation, the Temple, and your loved ones.”

7. These words immediately revived the morale of the people,

8. and they answered with a loud shout, “You are now our leader in place of your brothers Judas and Jonathan.

9. Fight our wars, and we will do whatever you ask.”

10. So Simon gathered together all the soldiers and hurried to complete the walls of Jerusalem and to strengthen all its defences.

11. He sent Jonathan son of Absalom to Joppa with a large army. This Jonathan drove out the people who were there and occupied the town.

12. Trypho left Ptolemais with a large army to invade Judea, taking Simon's brother Jonathan along with him as a prisoner.

13. Simon set up camp at Adida at the edge of the plain.

14. When Trypho learnt that Simon had succeeded his brother Jonathan and that he was ready to meet him in battle, he sent this message to him:

15. “I am holding your brother Jonathan under arrest because while he was in office he did not pay his debts to the royal treasury.

16. However, I will release him if you will pay me three tonnes of silver and send two of his sons as hostages to guarantee that he will not revolt against us when he is released.”

17. Although Simon knew that they were deceiving him, he sent for the money and the two sons because he did not want to arouse the hostility of the Jews.

18. He was afraid that they might later say that Jonathan was put to death because Simon would not send the money and the boys.

19. So he did as Trypho had demanded, but Trypho broke his promise and did not release Jonathan.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 13