Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 11:28-40 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

28. Jonathan asked the king to release the territory of Judea and the three regions of Samaria from the payment of taxes, promising that if Demetrius would do that, he would pay him a lump sum of ten tonnes of silver.

29. The king agreed and wrote a letter to Jonathan to confirm all this:

30. “King Demetrius to King Jonathan and to the Jewish nation, greetings.

31. “For your information I am sending a copy of the letter I have written to the noble Lasthenes about you:

32. “ ‘King Demetrius to the noble Lasthenes, greetings.

33. I have decided to grant the Jewish nation certain benefits because they are our loyal allies and keep their treaty obligations.

34. I confirm their rights to the land of Judea and the three regions of Ephraim, Lydda, and Arimathea, which are hereby annexed to Judea from Samaria with all the lands belonging to them. This will be of benefit to everyone who goes to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice, since payments of the annual tax on produce and fruit from these lands will no longer be made to the king, but to the Temple.

35. And I also grant them relief from the payment of revenues now due to me from tithes, tolls, salt taxes, and special taxes.

36. None of the provisions mentioned in this letter shall ever be cancelled in the future.

37. “ ‘You are required to see that a complete copy of this decree is made and given to Jonathan, to be posted in a prominent place on the Temple hill.’ ”

38. When King Demetrius saw that the land was peaceful under his rule and there was no further resistance, he disbanded his whole army and sent everyone home, except the soldiers he had hired from the Greek islands. This made all the soldiers who had served under his predecessors hate him because they had lost their source of income.

39. One of Alexander's former supporters, Trypho, saw that all the soldiers were complaining about Demetrius, so he went to Imalkue, the Arab who was responsible for bringing up Alexander's young son Antiochus.

40. Trypho stayed there for a long time and kept urging Imalkue to hand the boy over to him, so that he could make him king in place of his father. He also told Imalkue about the decrees of Demetrius and how the soldiers hated him.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 11