Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 1:52-57 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

52. Many of the Jews were ready to forsake the Law and to obey these officials. They defiled the land with their evil,

53. and their conduct forced all true Israelites to hide wherever they could.

54. On the fifteenth day of the month of Kislev in the year 145, King Antiochus set up “The Awful Horror” on the altar of the Temple, and pagan altars were built in the towns throughout Judea.

55. Pagan sacrifices were offered in front of houses and in the streets.

56. Any books of the Law which were found were torn up and burnt,

57. and anyone who was caught with a copy of the sacred books or who obeyed the Law was put to death by order of the king.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 1