Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 1:33-44 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

33. Then Antiochus and his forces built high walls and strong towers in the area north of the Temple, turning it into a fort.

34. They brought in a group of traitorous Jews and installed them there.

35. They also brought in arms and supplies and stored in the fort all the loot that they had taken in Jerusalem. This fort became a great threat to the city.

36. The fort was a threat to the Temple,a constant, evil menace for Israel.

37. Innocent people were murdered round the altar;the Holy Place was defiled by murderers.

38. The people of Jerusalem fled in fear,and the city became a colony of foreigners.Jerusalem was foreign to its own people,who had been forced to abandon the city.

39. Her Temple was as empty as a wilderness;her festivals were turned into days of mourning,her Sabbath joy into shame.Her honour became an object of ridicule.

40. Her shame was as great as her former glory,and her pride was turned into deepest mourning.

41-43. Antiochus now issued a decree that all nations in his empire should abandon their own customs and become one people. All the Gentiles and even many of the Israelites submitted to this decree. They adopted the official pagan religion, offered sacrifices to idols, and no longer observed the Sabbath.

44. The king also sent messengers with a decree to Jerusalem and all the towns of Judea, ordering the people to follow customs that were foreign to the country.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 1