Old Testament

New Testament

Philemon 1:10-22 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

10. So I make a request to you on behalf of Onesimus, who is my own son in Christ; for while in prison I have become his spiritual father.

11. At one time he was of no use to you, but now he is useful both to you and to me.

12. I am sending him back to you now, and with him goes my heart.

13. I would like to keep him here with me, while I am in prison for the gospel's sake, so that he could help me in your place.

14. However, I do not want to force you to help me; rather, I would like you to do it of your own free will. So I will not do anything unless you agree.

15. It may be that Onesimus was away from you for a short time so that you might have him back for all time.

16. And now he is not just a slave, but much more than a slave: he is a dear brother in Christ. How much he means to me! And how much more he will mean to you, both as a slave and as a brother in the Lord!

17. So, if you think of me as your partner, welcome him back just as you would welcome me.

18. If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to my account.

19. Here, I will write this with my own hand: I, Paul, will pay you back. (I should not have to remind you, of course, that you owe your very self to me.)

20. So, my brother, please do me this favour for the Lord's sake; as a brother in Christ, cheer me up!

21. I am sure, as I write this, that you will do what I ask — in fact I know that you will do even more.

22. At the same time, get a room ready for me, because I hope that God will answer the prayers of all of you and give me back to you.

Read complete chapter Philemon 1