Old Testament

New Testament

John 7:43-52 Good News Bible Catholic Edition (GNBDK)

43. So there was a division in the crowd because of Jesus.

44. Some wanted to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him.

45. When the guards went back, the chief priests and Pharisees asked them, “Why did you not bring him?”

46. The guards answered, “Nobody has ever talked like this man!”

47. “Did he fool you, too?” the Pharisees asked them.

48. “Have you ever known one of the authorities or one Pharisee to believe in him?

49. This crowd does not know the Law of Moses, so they are under God's curse!”

50. One of the Pharisees there was Nicodemus, the man who had gone to see Jesus before. He said to the others,

51. “According to our Law we cannot condemn anyone before hearing him and finding out what he has done.”

52. “Well,” they answered, “are you also from Galilee? Study the Scriptures and you will learn that no prophet ever comes from Galilee.”

Read complete chapter John 7