Old Testament

New Testament

Wisdom 4:4-10 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

4. Like trees with shallow roots, they put out leaves for a while, but they sway in the wind, and storms uproot them.

5. Their branches snap off before they mature; their fruit never ripens, and it is good for nothing.

6. On Judgement Day children born of a forbidden union will testify to the sin of their parents and act as witnesses against them.

7. Righteous people, however, will find rest, even if they die young.

8. We honour old age, but not just because a person has lived a long time.

9. Wisdom and righteousness are signs of the maturity that should come with old age.

10. Once there was a man named Enoch who pleased God, and God loved him. While Enoch was still living among sinners, God took him away,

Read complete chapter Wisdom 4