Old Testament

New Testament

Susanna 1:43-58 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

43. Here I am about to die, but you know that I am innocent, that these men are lying. Why must I die?”

44. The Lord heard her prayer

45. and led a young man named Daniel to speak out, just as Susanna was being taken away to her death.

46. He shouted, “I refuse to be a party to her death!”

47. Everyone turned round to look at him and asked, “What are you talking about?”

48. Daniel stood up before them and said, “People of Israel, how foolish can you be? Are you going to condemn an Israelite woman to death on this kind of evidence? You haven't even tried to find out the truth.

49. Reopen the case. The testimony these men gave was a lie.”

50. So all the people hurried back to where the trial had taken place, and the officials said to Daniel, “God has given you wisdom beyond your years, so come and join us and explain to us what you mean.”

51. Daniel said to them, “Separate the two judges, and let me question them one at a time.”

52. Then Daniel called the first judge and said, “You wicked old man, now you will have to answer for all the sins you have committed.

53. You have been giving unjust sentences. You have condemned the innocent and released the guilty, even though the Lord has said, ‘Do not put an innocent person to death.’

54. Now if you really did see this couple making love, tell me, what tree were they under?”“Under a small gum tree,” he answered.

55. Daniel said, “Right! That lie will cost you your life. God's angel has already been given orders to chop you in two.”

56. Then the first judge was led away and the second one was brought before Daniel. “You are more like a Canaanite than a Jew,” Daniel said to him. “This woman's beauty has warped your judgement, and lust has corrupted your thinking.

57. You are used to having your way with the women of Israel because they have been afraid of you, but here is a Jewish woman, and she would not give in.

58. Now, tell me what tree you saw them under.”“Under a large oak tree,” he answered.

Read complete chapter Susanna 1