Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 42:1-10 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. On the other hand, it is possible to sin by giving in to other people too much. Here are some things you should not be ashamed of:

2. the Law of the Most High and his covenant,judging even godless people fairly,

3. sharing expenses with a business partner or a travelling companion,sharing an inheritance,

4. using accurate weights and measures,

5. making a profit, whether great or small,bargaining with a merchant,disciplining your children often,beating a disloyal slave until the blood flows.

6. It is wise to lock things up if you cannot trust your wife or if too many people are around.

7. Keep an accurate record of any deposits you make or of anything you give or receive.

8. Don't hesitate to correct someone who is acting foolishly or an old man who goes about with prostitutes. All this is worthwhile advice, and if you follow it, everyone will approve of your behaviour.

9. Although he will not let his daughter know it, a father will lie awake at night worrying about her. If she is young, he worries that she might not get married. If she is already married, he worries about her happiness.

10. If she is a virgin, he worries that she might be seduced and become pregnant while living in his house. If she is married, he worries that she might be unfaithful, or that she might not be able to have children.

Read complete chapter Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 42