Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 34:1-15 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. Foolish people are deceived by vain hopes, and dreams get them all excited.

2. A person who pays any attention at all to dreams is like someone who tries to catch shadows or chase the wind.

3. What you see in a dream is no more real than the reflection of your face in a mirror.

4. What is unreal can no more produce something real than what is dirty can produce something clean.

5. Dreams, divination, and omens are all nonsense. You see in them only what you want to see.

6. Unless the Most High has sent you the dream, pay no attention to it.

7. Dreams have misled many people; they put their faith in them, only to be disappointed.

8. The Law is complete without such falsehood. Wisdom, as spoken by the righteous, is also complete without it.

9. A well-travelled person with wide experience knows many things and talks sense.

10. You can't know much if you haven't experienced much, but travel can make you cleverer.

11. In my own travels I have seen many things and learnt more than I can put into words.

12. I have been in danger of death many times, but I have always been able to escape by relying on past experience.

13. Those who fear the Lord will live, because they have put their trust in the one who can save them.

14. Fear the Lord, and you will have nothing else to fear. If your trust is in him, you will never act like a coward.

15. People who fear the Lord are fortunate, because they know where they can look for help.

Read complete chapter Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 34