Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 8:5-14 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

5. Are you immature? Learn to be mature.Are you foolish? Learn to have sense.

6. Listen to my excellent words;all I tell you is right.

7. What I say is the truth;lies are hateful to me.

8. Everything I say is true;nothing is false or misleading.

9. To those with insight, it is all clear;to the well-informed, it is all plain.

10. Choose my instruction instead of silver;choose knowledge rather than the finest gold.

11. “I am Wisdom, I am better than jewels;nothing you want can compare with me.

12. I am Wisdom, and I have insight;I have knowledge and sound judgement.

13. To honour the Lord is to hate evil;I hate pride and arrogance,evil ways and false words.

14. I make plans and carry them out.I have understanding, and I am strong.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 8