Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 1:18-54 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

18. called together the whole community on the first day of the second month and registered all the people by clans and families. The names of all the men twenty years old or older were recorded and counted,

19. as the Lord had commanded. In the Sinai Desert, Moses registered the people.

47. The Levites were not registered with the other tribes,

48. because the Lord had said to Moses,

49. “When you take a census of the men fit for military service, do not include the tribe of Levi.

50. Instead, put the Levites in charge of the Tent of my presence and all its equipment. They shall carry it and its equipment, serve in it, and set up their camp round it.

51. Whenever you move your camp, the Levites shall take the Tent down and set it up again at each new camping place. Anyone else who comes near the Tent shall be put to death.

52. The rest of the Israelites shall set up camp, company by company, each man with his own group and under his own banner.

53. But the Levites shall camp round the Tent to guard it, so that no one may come near and cause my anger to strike the community of Israel.”

54. So the people of Israel did everything that the Lord had commanded Moses.

Read complete chapter Numbers 1