Old Testament

New Testament

Job 27:6-20 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

6. I will never give up my claim to be right;my conscience is clear.

7. May all who oppose me and fight against mebe punished like the wicked and the unrighteous.

8. What hope is there for the godlessin the hour when God demands their life?

9. When trouble comes, will God hear their cries?

10. They should have desired the joy he gives;they should have constantly prayed to him.

11. Let me teach you how great is God's power,and explain what Almighty God has planned.

12. But no, after all, you have seen for yourselves;so why do you talk such nonsense?

13. This is how Almighty Godpunishes wicked, violent people.

14. They may have many sons,but all will be killed in war;their children never have enough to eat.

15. Those who survive will die from disease,and even their widows will not mourn their death.

16. The wicked may have too much silver to countand more clothes than anyone needs;

17. but some good person will wear the clothes,and some honest person will get the silver.

18. The wicked build houses like a spider's webor like the hut of a slave guarding the fields.

19. One last time they will lie down rich,and when they wake up, they will find their wealth gone.

20. Terror will strike like a sudden flood;a wind in the night will blow them away;

Read complete chapter Job 27