Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 54:6-17 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

6. Israel, you are like a young wife,deserted by her husband and deeply distressed.But the Lord calls you back to him and says:

7. “For one brief moment I left you;with deep love I will take you back.

8. I turned away angry for only a moment,but I will show you my love for ever.”So says the Lord who saves you.

9. “In the time of Noah I promisednever again to flood the earth.Now I promise not to be angry with you again;I will not reprimand or punish you.

10. The mountains and hills may crumble,but my love for you will never end;I will keep for ever my promise of peace.”So says the Lord who loves you.

11. The Lord says,“O Jerusalem, you suffering, helpless city,with no one to comfort you,I will rebuild your foundations with precious stones.

12. I will build your towers with rubies,your gates with stones that glow like fire,and the wall around you with jewels.

13. “I myself will teach your people,and give them prosperity and peace.

14. Justice and right will make you strong.You will be safe from oppression and terror.

15. Whoever attacks youdoes it without my consent;whoever fights against you will fall.

16. “I create the blacksmith,who builds a fire and forges weapons.I also create the soldier,who uses the weapons to kill.

17. But no weapon will be able to hurt you;you will have an answer for all who accuse you.I will defend my servantsand give them victory.”The Lord has spoken.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 54