Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 5:12-23 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

12. At your feasts you have harps and tambourines and flutes — and wine. But you don't understand what the Lord is doing,

13. and so you will be carried away as prisoners. Your leaders will starve to death, and the common people will die of thirst.

14. The world of the dead is hungry for them, and it opens its mouth wide. It gulps down the nobles of Jerusalem along with the noisy crowd of common people.

15. Everyone will be disgraced, and all who are proud will be humbled.

16. But the Lord Almighty shows his greatness by doing what is right, and he reveals his holiness by judging his people.

17. In the ruins of the cities lambs will eat grass and young goats will find pasture.

18. You are doomed! You are unable to break free from your sins.

19. You say, “Let the Lord hurry up and do what he says he will, so that we can see it. Let Israel's holy God carry out his plans; let's see what he has in mind.”

20. You are doomed! You call evil good and call good evil. You turn darkness into light and light into darkness. You make what is bitter sweet, and what is sweet you make bitter.

21. You are doomed! You think you are wise, so very clever.

22. You are doomed! Heroes of the wine bottle! Brave and fearless when it comes to mixing drinks!

23. But for just a bribe you let the guilty go free, and you prevent the innocent from getting justice.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 5