Old Testament

New Testament

Deuteronomy 11:1-14 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. “Love the Lord your God and always obey all his laws.

2. Remember today what you have learned about the Lord through your experiences with him. It was you, not your children, who had these experiences. You saw the Lord's greatness, his power, his might,

3. and his miracles. You saw what he did to the king of Egypt and to his entire country.

4. You saw how the Lord completely wiped out the Egyptian army, along with their horses and chariots, by drowning them in the Red Sea when they were pursuing you.

5. You know what the Lord did for you in the desert before you arrived here.

6. You recall what he did to Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab of the tribe of Reuben. In the sight of everyone the earth opened up and swallowed them, along with their families, their tents, and all their servants and animals.

7. Yes, you are the ones who have seen all these great things that the Lord has done.

8. “Obey all the laws that I have given you today. Then you will be able to cross the river and occupy the land that you are about to enter.

9. And you will live a long time in the rich and fertile land that the Lord promised to give your ancestors and their descendants.

10. The land that you are about to occupy is not like the land of Egypt, where you lived before. There, when you sowed seed, you had to work hard to irrigate the fields;

11. but the land that you are about to enter is a land of mountains and valleys, a land watered by rain.

12. The Lord your God takes care of this land and watches over it throughout the year.

13. “So then, obey the commands that I have given you today; love the Lord your God and serve him with all your heart.

14. If you do, he will send rain on your land when it is needed, in the autumn and in the spring, so that there will be corn, wine, and olive oil for you,

Read complete chapter Deuteronomy 11