Old Testament

New Testament

Baruch 5:1-6 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

1. Jerusalem, take off the clothes you have worn in your mourning and distress, and put on the eternal splendour of God's glory.

2. Put round you the cloak of God's righteousness. Place on your head the crown of the glory of the Eternal God.

3. God will show your splendour to every nation on earth.

4. For ever he will say to you: “Your security comes from your righteousness, and your splendour from your devotion to me.”

5. Get up, Jerusalem, stand on the mountaintop; see where God, the Holy One, is bringing your children together from the east and from the west. They are rejoicing that God has remembered them.

6. Jerusalem, your children were led away by their enemies; they left you on foot, but God is bringing them back to you, carried in royal splendour.

Read complete chapter Baruch 5