Old Testament

New Testament

2 Esdras 9:27-40 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

27. After seven days I was lying on the grass, and once again my thoughts began to trouble me.

28. Then I began to speak and said to God Most High,

29. “O Lord, you revealed yourself to your ancestors when they were travelling through the trackless, barren desert after they had left Egypt. You said to them,

30. ‘Listen to me, people of Israel.

31. I am giving you my Law. It will be like a seed sown among you that produces fruit, and it will be your crowning glory for ever.’

32. Our ancestors received the Law, but they disobeyed its commands. Yet the fruit of the Law was not destroyed — it could not be destroyed because it was yours.

33. Those who had received the Law were destroyed because they did not guard the good seed that was sown in them.

34-35. The usual thing is that the container remains after its contents have been destroyed, for example, seed in the ground, a ship on the sea, or food in a bowl. But this is not the case with us sinners.

36. The Law was placed in our hearts, and we are the ones who will be destroyed because we have sinned.

37. The Law will not be destroyed; it will remain in all its glory.”

38. While I was saying these things to myself, I looked round and saw a woman on my right. She was weeping and wailing, terribly upset; her clothes were torn, and there were ashes on her head.

39. I immediately put my own troubles out of my mind, turned to the woman,

40. and asked, “Why are you crying? Why are you so upset?”

Read complete chapter 2 Esdras 9